fashionmaya vik


fashionmaya vik

Love pink! that's all......



Wearing: Ganni jumpsuit, Peet Dullaert Artisanal Asteria mules with metal toe-caps and the Artisanal Gaia clutch in coral pearl. Acne studios glasses.


Photos by: Jason Jean, Daniel Bruno Grandl / TheUrbanSpotter and Søren Jepsen.



Jason Jean 4 Footwearnews.

Jason Jean 4 Footwearnews.

Daniel Bruno Grandl / TheUrbanSpotter.

Daniel Bruno Grandl / TheUrbanSpotter.

Daniel Bruno Grandl / TheUrbanSpotter.

Daniel Bruno Grandl / TheUrbanSpotter.

Daniel Bruno Grandl / TheUrbanSpotter.

Daniel Bruno Grandl / TheUrbanSpotter.